suicidalchinadoll on the dock.
few memories from that summer are as clear as the woodgrain on the boards at the end of the dock, where I greeted the sun.
amy costs nada i learn it, again and again.

what part of the stretching am i most obsessed over this time? the hands come together in prayer over the head. a few days ago it was the cobra portion.
unhinged kundalini namaskar by shiva rea was always one of my favorite sequences. i still find myself doing portions of it to my radiohead/yoga playlist. 090710
suicidalchinadoll coming back to yoga after a long sickness has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life to date...
and may prove to be the most rewarding, i hope.

patience is not my strong suit, nor respect for myself.

learning learning learning...
unhinged yoga has definitely helped me cultivate more patience and respect for myself. and flexibility and pain free or at least less painful days.

and i credit yoga also with the amazing sex i've been having lately. i was always somewhat disconnected from my body before i started practicing yoga. yoga helped me discover muscles i never knew i had.
what's it to you?
who go