raze in the house i lived in two apartments and three houses before this one there was a poster on the bathroom door of the basement room that became my bedroom once it had been fixed up enough to be more than a glorified closet. on the poster was a frog holding a martini, smiling, looking soused. next to him was an irish saying of unknown origin that goes:

"when we drink, we get drunk.
when we get drunk, we fall asleep.
when we fall asleep, we commit no sin.
when we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
so, let's all get drunk and go to heaven."

in hindsight, kind of a strange thing to have staring at you in your bedroom when you aren't yet a teenager. i didn't put it there. it was there when we moved in, and no one ever took it down.

i think of that frog every once in a while. i hope he got help for his drinking problem.
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