unhinged i'm not talking about anime

i met this international student tonight at dinner and he lives in my dorm. we went to visit him after dinner and he showed us pictures of his family and how he lived by showing us this book he had brought with him. we tried to help him with his english a bit. he was getting so frustrated because he just didn't know how to say what he wanted to say. but we sure did make him laugh.
frAnk what did you do to make him laugh? 010320
dean-bean My summation of the Movie Akira:

...and so on.
unhinged we danced to his favorite japanese pop music and taught him some slang. i found a lot about his simple every day life very interesting. 010320
frAnk what did you find interesting? 010321
unhinged the set up of his house, the way the japanese sleep on mats instead of beds, the food they eat, their intense love of nature, their traditional ceremonies...just everything 010325
farmfish did you ever think of going to japan, leaving your comfort and experiencing the things you find fascinating, the life you find interesting? 010326
unhinged i wish i could spend every day in a new place. i want to move far away from here and my comfort but the fact is i'm lazy. the language barrier scares me too. one small deli in the czech countryside was enough to scare me for the rest of my life. 010326
kerasu nani o shite irun desu ka? 010327
frAnk what happened at the deli? 010329
unhinged a bunch of people looking at me like i was stupid until they realized that i couldn't speak czech and then they just looked at me like i was a different kind of stupid...the 'aawww that poor girl doesn't speak our language' kind of stupid. i just wanted a pepsi *sniffle* 010409
what's it to you?
who go