tender_square typically i drive. maybe it’s being a cabbie’s daughter, this tendency to take the wheel. or maybe it’s a want for control, always desiring to be in the driver’s seat. this morning i slid into passenger side because i was too weak with hunger from fasting and would likely snap on any driver who did the slightest thing to annoy.

mesmerized as i turned my head to stare out the window, the car hugging every voluptuous curve of huron parkway. i saw my reflection transposed upon bouquets of reds and golds and browns that drifted past like the seconds slipping away.

when the tinkling piano notes began, i turned up the volume and sang with billy.

i know i’ll make it
love can last forever

an exquisite mantra for the new moon today.

crossing the bridge that stretched taut over the river, i spotted their downy, white bodies floating below:

graceful swans of never topple to the earth

my eyes welled like the riverbank, but the tears did not crest. i turned my gaze to the gauzy sky, held a picture of him on the canvas of it, lifted my voice.

and you can make it last forever
you can make it last forever
you can make it last
forever you
epitome of incomprehensibility This sentence is beautiful: "i saw my reflection transposed upon bouquets of reds and golds and browns that drifted past like the seconds slipping away."

What thoughts have I had on seeing reflections of me or other things in the car/bus/train superimposed on the outside world? They slip away, like the images. But I remember having thoughts about that.

Thirty three: I like that this is my age now, wasted opportunities and lines under my eyes notwithstanding. Alliteration in the base-10 system. The groove of abstract joining to tangible, gear teeth joining and dancing.
tender_square (there's something about the layered looking, isn't there? i was grateful for that moment because it's not often that i get to observe as i travel. i love that this moment touched you too, e_o_i.) 211105
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