raze the two-part copper pipe that's lived beneath my bathroom sink for three times longer than i've been alive sputters and spits, and when it shoves its love through the faucet i hear the strumming of an acoustic guitar and a faraway voice crooning words i'll never know, in a language so much like my own i can almost taste it. the voice builds a face for my eyes to see, clouded but clear. a man as real as anyone i've known stands in front of me. his lips don't move. he sings through his smile, carving a star-shaped lesion into my chest with the bands of wet, elastic muscle that live in his throat. when i'm finished here, he'll be silenced, and he won't sing again. his song will fade like all the best scents that have left me before i could shake the hands of their authors. 220127
unhinged the beethoven missa solemnis
the franck organ symphony

in a stone church

the healing power of sound
when it is absorbed
by the human nervous system

what's it to you?
who go