tender_square i don't know if there's already thread for videos you should see, but i want to recommend thom yorke's "anima" even though it's a couple years old now. i keep returning to it to watch these days.

the 15-minute collection of songs from yorke's album is directed by none other than THE paul thomas anderson and features incredible choreography from damien jalet. the video also features yorke's wife, italian actress dajana roncion.

the concept of the album (and video) is based on carl jung's idea of the anima, which is the inner feminine side of a man.

"the anima is personified in dreams by images of women ranging from seductress to spiritual guide. it is associated with the eros principle, hence a man’s anima development is reflected in how he relates to women. within his own psyche, the anima functions as his soul, influencing his ideas, attitudes and emotions." (frith luton, jungian analyst)

i came across this fascinating page recently about animus and anima encounter and interaction, which i feel this video personifies through the visuals and music:

"even more amazing is the alchemy that occurs when a woman’s animus engages authentically with a man’s anima. paraphrasing jung, no man can converse with a woman’s animus for five minutes without becoming vulnerable to his own anima.

"and so, no woman can converse with a man’s anima for five minutes without becoming vulnerable to her own animus. and suddenly our romantic relationships are deeper than we could have imagined before.

"we are suddenly able to tap the philosopher-stone of her animus with the cornerstone of his anima, and we gain the almost alchemical ability to turn the tables on the polarity of the universe.

"this kind of multidimensional power opens up everything, cracking our old, stagnant world view right down the middle and revealing that everything is connected just as everything is moving. shiva moves in and out of shakti.

"the sacred masculine moves in and out of the sacred feminine. darkness moves in and out of light. inner moves in and out of outer. everything moves in and out of nothing. it’s all one big beautiful bouncing dance between the god-that-forgot-it-was-god within him and the god-that-forgot-it-was-god within her. and oh, what an amazing dance it is." (fractal enlightenment, "yin-yang dynamics: explaining jung's anima and animus")
unhinged maybe that is what happened the night we met; five hours passed like five minutes. we just kept talking. he just kept buying us beers. his coworker left him long before the clock told me the second to last bus to my neighborhood from downtown was coming. i liked him too much to accept his invitation back to his hotel because i knew the general ending of that generic plotline.

sometimes i rewrite the ending of that night now that i know him better. but now that i know myself better i am glad i changed my habit of saying yes when i really meant no.
what's it to you?
who go