johnny west If anyone wants to ask me something about anything, this is the place to do it.

I can't promise that my answers will make sense, but I promise to answer!

:::fires starting pistol:::

Ask away!
twiggie if i pull your hair will you shoot me? 010312
dB Why are humans so pitiful? 010312
johnny west No!
None of that was true.
But, until a few years ago, I was a little paranoid about my hair. I wouldn't let anyone touch it. Now I'm okay. Everyone can touch my hair!
I'll even let you pull it.
johnny west Why are humans so pitiful?
Perhaps it's because too many of us are content to follow other people around. The people we follow are following other people and, in effect, we are nothing but a circle of uniformity.
Just a guess.
I'm sure there's more to it than that, though.
dB what if some falls out? 010312
twiggie oh damnit. 010312
johnny west I've got quite a bit of hair, so I don't think anyone will be able to tell. I can always shave it all off! Don't worry! 010312
florescent light If frogs aren't called frogeaters,

and human's aren't called

and fish aren't called wormeaters,

and cows aren't called grasseaters
...why, then, are anteaters called anteaters?
Aimee That is the BEST question I have ever heard. Fluorscent, I now worship you for your wit. 010312
mikey survey says. or maybe cervesas? 010312
dB Well just look at an Anteater. Right. Can you think of another name for it? It looks like nothing really, but if it wasn't an Anteater what would it be called? Esquilax maybe. But as everybody knows that an Esquilax is a horse with a head of a rabbit and the body of a rabbit. 010312
dB Why are Butterfly's called that? I have ruled out the "one must have flowen past a slab of butter at the Naming Of All Things Meeting" years ago. 010312
mikey what is the speed of dark? 010312
nocturnal dark is not an actual thing. it's the absence of an actual thing, light. so can absence have speed? no. the best way to answer that is it is the speed of light because it would probably be the same thing as the speed of light going away. same as the speed of light coming because the speed of light is always the same. 010312
mikey what if your blind? is there light and dark then? 010312
nocturnal wait, I forgot that not only would it be equal, but it would be equal and opposite. so, speed of dark = -speed of light. 010312
mikey whats amazing is theres airplanes that can fly faster then the speed of sound. thats insane if you think about it. stand next to someone and say HI! some planes could fly faster then it takes the sound to reach the other persons ears! 010312
johnny west ::pulls out clumps of hair in rabid frustration::

I can't respond to any of this! It's chaos! No questions! No answers! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGG!!!

::calms down, breathing rapidly::

Okay...any questions? Now I'm here to answer them.
florescent light Why does everyone keep spelling my name wrong? 010312
johnny west Good question.
I can spell it -- FLORESCENT LIGHT.
But, since there are so many keys on a computer keyboard, perhaps the thoughts of some blatherers are jumbled in the transfer from brain to keyboard.

I've made some silly mistakes myself:
"gace" instead of "face";
"apethy" instead of "apathy";
and some others I can't recall.

It's just part of the ongoing quest to spill what we think onto a computer screen. It can't be completely grammatically or phonetically correct. Just like us. And I probably spelled "phonetic" wrong too.
stupidpunkgirl when are we getting married? 010312
johnny west First, I have to answer your question with another question:

Do you mean YOU and ME?
Or do you mean YOU and SOMEONE ELSE?
florescent light Why will all the pages load, except this one? 010312
johnny west This page isn't loading?
It must be the computer. I can't think of any other explanation. Unless...
Maybe it's because stupidpunkgirl hasn't responded to my question yet. Maybe she's doing it now. Or maybe the gods/godesses/crazythings all hate me. Could be any of those, I guess.
mikey sometimes i do have to hit refresh because i KNOW theres new stuff. i'll be chatting with one of you on AIM or ICQ and theyll say "check out this thread now" and i will go and nothing new...till i hit refresh. 010312
johnny west Where are ya, stupidpunkgirl? Please answer me so I can answer you. 010312
florescent light What is my favorite color? 010312
johnny west Well...
I'll give you my favorite color - black. People say, "That isn't a color! What the hell's wrong with you?!"
To me, it is a color. Maybe it doesn't stand out like some of the others, but I like it. It's calm. I don't associate black with depression or morbidity. It's a happy color for me.
Your favorite color? I don't know. It might be the color of your cat (silver, if I remember correctly), or it might be the color of the highlights in your hair (red).
Or it might be something else entirely. I can only guess.
florescent light Why do fingernails turn white when they grow above the skin? 010312
johnny west I'm no expert, but I think it has something to do with the fact that the white part isn't really "attached". I don't really know how to explain it; it's the same as hair - how it doesn't hurt to cut it.
The white part of the nail either isn't really alive, or it's playing games with the rest of the nail.


A lemon will explode if exposed to extreme temperatures, as will my head. However, if the lemon were a person, the peel may not experience pain. It would certainly explode, but it might be a relatively pleasant experience.

Thus, the white portion of a fingernail is somehow related to a lemon peel. And my head.
mikey im not totaly sure of her question but i believe it has to do with lack of enough calcium. 010312
stupidpunkgirl me and you of course 010312
johnny west Finally!
Stupidpunkgirl answers me!

Well, I gotta tell ya...I'm a little speechless. You've caught me off guard. Do you mind me asking you what it is that makes you want to marry me?
mikey can i be your best man?

Johnny is my equal in story telling abilty. that means alot bro!
johnny west You HAVE to be my best man, mikey! And thanks for the compliment! As my cat Snowflake would say: "To be acknowledged by greatness is to become great." That means you've made me great!

If only stupidpunkgirl would tell me what it is that makes her want to marry me...
DENZEL WASHINGTON She gone and uppity-lefted ya, boner-head Johnny! No chicks is ever gonna stay talkin' witchoo! Nooooooooo! I toldja! But didja listen to me? Nooooooo!!! 010312
johnny west :::weeping:::
Where'd ya go, stupidpunkgirl? Why'd ya wanna marry me? No answers? No nuthin'?
:::weeping some more:::
DENZEL WASHINGTON (dancing and singing)
You ain't got no lady!
You ain't got no lady!
Bye bye stupidpunkgirl!
She don't give a shit 'bout you!
Brum-brum-ba-ba cha cha!
Cha cha brum-brum-ba-ba!
You ain't got no lady!
She gone left you nuthin'!
johnny west (stops weeping and starts dancing and singing with Denzel)
I ain't got no nuthin'!
Stupidpunkgirl hates me!
Nobody wants to marry my ass!
Stupid fuckin' shitsticks!
DENZEL WASHINGTON (stops dancing)
What the hell is this shit? You supposed to be all sad and lonely!
johnny west I got nocturnal watchin' my back! You don't mess with her! So, no matter what happens, I'm gonna be okay! 010312
Byuch! You make me sick when you get actin' all happy and not-sad! I'm gettin' the hell outta here! You enjoy your single shit! You ain't never gonna have nobody want your ass, let alone marry it!
(vanishes into Johnny's hair)
johnny west see: gotta_sleep_sleep_sleep 010313
johnny west Now I'm awake again, so if anybody wants to ask any more questions (or if that goddam stupidpunkgirl wants to answer me) away. 010313
DENZEL WASHINGTON Why can I never die? 010313
johnny west Two reasons.
1) You're really an extension of me, and
2) You're just too sexy to die.
Keep this in mind: I didn't say you WERE me. Just an EXTENSION. I'm the guy pulling the strings. You only stay alive on blather because I choose not to kill you. Keep that in mind next time you start dancin' and singin' to the tune of my misfortune.
twiggie why can't i measure time with a ruler? 010313
johnny west I think it's because time isn't meant to be measured.

I can remember last March break, looking at myself in a mirror and thinking: "Jesus Christ, I've got long hair". My hair wasn't even remotely long. Now it's a year later, my hair really is long, and it feels like two weeks have passed.

Trying to measure/follow/hold onto time is like trying to stop yourself from taking a shit. It can't be done. And it's incredible how quickly it passes. Sometimes I don't even feel like I have control over who I am. I can never stay the same. Time won't let me.

Since making sense of time is impossible, the best thing to do is to fill it with things you enjoy. I should take my own advice, instead of sleeping all the time.

If you are hell-bent on measuring time, though, I'd use a turkey baster.
stupidpunkgirl well then...
i guess the marriage is off...
nocturnal oh that's it. I told you not to mess with johnny cuz then you'd be messin with me. you asked for it. sleep with one eye open my friend. 010313
johnny west Stupidpunkgirl...please explain yourself.

1) Why did you want to marry me?
2) Why is the marriage off?
3) Wha? Whawhawhawhawhawhawha?

I ask that you please answer those three simple questions.
DENZEL WASHINGTON You know what you did! Shit head! 010313
johnny west What? WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?! 010313
DENZEL WASHINGTON You called her BABY! How could you do that? Are you that fucking stupid?!
:::shakes head in disbelief:::
johnny west BABY? So what? It meant NOTHING! It was a stupid fucking word that meant nothing! I was trying to get her to answer me! 010313
johnny west Fine. FUCK EVERYTHING!!!
:::sticks head in trash compacter, effectively commiting suicide:::
dB What the shit!!? You killed Johnny! Johnny... DEAD. Killed. Dead deceased passed on moved to a higher plaine carked it shitted and defunked. Johnny. Killed him you did. Maked him dead.

Well at least you don't have to marry him now. :)
stupidpunkgirl wow...all this commotion over one little question.
and you're not the one to be asking questions johnny...that's our job silly
there are so many new people on red makes me miss the blue days
johnny west What? Does that mean I get to answer more questions? 010313
florescent light Are you insane? 010313
johnny west A question! Yippeeeeee!!!
:::does a little dance:::

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure. I know I don't suffer from any psychological/mental conditions. I'm just crazy sometimes. It comes out a lot in my music. And that death sequence up there...I wanted an answer to my question! But I guess I have to settle with none.

Back to your question. My moods often fluctuate between CRAZY and SERIOUS. Because I am just as comfortable being completely "normal" as I am scaring the shit out of people, there are some friends or acquaintances that can't imagine me being even remotely serious...and there are some who are unable to picture me acting even remotely crazy.

The best answer I can give you is: sometimes I am insane, and sometimes I am not. On blather, however, I am almost always insane. Although I've been a bit more serious in some places on blue blather.

So...the answer is...YES. And NO. It changes all the time.
dB You a musician Johnny? 010313
johnny west Yup. After banging on things for a while, I got a tiny little keyboard when I was seven or eight. After a few years, I could sort of play a little. I took some piano lessons and used some of the "formal" techniques to better my playing, and then I stopped taking lessons.

I also got a guitar and discovered that I couldn't play it the way I thought I could (barre chords with my thumb). So I radically detuned it and then played barre chords with my thumb.

I play the bass on my lap too, and I can sort of play the drums. Like any other instrument, the more I play, the better I get. I'm a crazy one-man band!
johnny west gotta_sleep_sleep_sleep 010313
johnny west Here's something funny -
I've been posting my e-mail address wrong all this time! Not that anyone would ever wanna e-mail me, but I've been typing "" when it should be "". That's somethin', all right.
florescent light oh,
cause I was just gonna ask why you hadn't responded.
johnny west ::smacks himself in the head:: 010316
johnny west I sent you an e-mail in response to your question about lost e-mails. Let me know if you get it. 010318
Denzel Washington What are you doin' still up at 12:52 on a Sunday night? 010318
johnny west Masturbation is the key.
Get it, Denzel? Do ya see?
You ain't nuthin' but myself.
I'd lick ya, but my tongue don't work.
Now I'll sleep.
Are ya happy? Huh?
Denzel Washington You bet your balls I am! Now, if only I could get into yer pants... 010318
dB Hang on. Is this a gay thing or something? 010318
dB Hang on. Is this a gay thing or something? 010318
johnny west T'ain't nothin' but me messin' with myself. 010319
dB Fair enough. :-) 010319
nocturnal well, I have a few questions for you:

1) Why did Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz hate me so?

2) How the hell did he even know about me in order to be able to hate me? I mean, the guy died in 1716!

3) Why did you lie to me about the subliminal sexiness? I got a fucking 28! Yes, that would be out of 100.

4) If I get an F in a class, does that necessarily mean I'll have to retake it?
Dafremen Ok Johnny, this questions for YOU.

Why is it that when we're kids we try beer and we think, "Beer tastes like sh*t!"

Then later when you're older and getting freaky with yer woman and in the heat of passion you stick yer tongue up her ass
you still think, "This ass tastes like sh*t"?

Doesn't the law of correlary complements state in effect that if beer tastes like sh*t that sh*t should taste like beer?

Here I thought I was gunna taste a Heinie and instead it tasted like a hiney.
8 ) Daffy
nocturnal well, it looks like a certain canadian has been slacking on the blathering. how ever does he expect our yearning questions to be answered? DAMN YOU JOHNNY! I'll get you for this. 010501
johnny...uh...w...west Under duress, I am forced to answer Dafremen's question before Nocturnal's four. I apologize in advance for any spelling errors or lack of coherence, but one can hardly think of such things when one is getting crusty in the brains department. So, in preparation of further nonsensical babbling, here is my answer.

I would say that beer tastes like piss, but I've never tasted piss. So I have to agree that beer tastes like shit, although I've never tasted shit. But when it's cold, at least it's drinkable.

As far as that other thing...I can't say I've ever had my tongue up anyone's ass, so I can't draw a logical comparison between the taste of beer and the taste of ass. Even supposing that ass tastes like shit, my lack of shit-tasting experience prevents me from knowing what the hell I'm talking about.

The actual question, I believe, was this: if beer tastes like shit, why doesn't shit taste like beer? The answer can only be found upon consulting the palm of my hand, which reads as follows:

Shit explodes when told to explode. While beer does not technically taste like shit, we associate the word "shit" with most things yucky-tasting. Hence: "This beer tastes like shit!"

Ass, on the other hand, will inevitably contain shit from time to time. Hence: "This ass tastes like shit!"

The first is merely an exercise in free association. The latter is an actual reaction and revolting of the tastebuds. That's all I can come up with.

Again, I'm sorry I took so long. I've just been busy doing worthless shit, and I like to try to give detailed (if useless) answers to any questions I am asked.

At least now you know what to expect from me. Goodnight. I gotta go collapse now.
Dafremen Bravo! Thanks Johnny, that's EXACTLY what I was telling my wife the other day. Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Good night do0d. 010503
Kanga Mr. Johnny West,

Have you ever wished that you could jump out of your soul - leaving it to be, as a separate entity all-together?

Why would you do that, is your question, right?

Well, to run away from it of course, if only for a short time. Please, don't get me wrong, I love my soul, just as much as the next person, but everyone needs a vacation, right? A Time to reflect and ponder, without the distraction of gray ghosts slipping through the cracks in the walls...
johnny west Time for me to catch up.

Nocturnal -

1) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz began his career as a telegram sex operator. Unfortunately, he was fired after only a few weeks of tele-whoring. His verbiage, it seems, had failed to arouse anyone. Of course, it's now incredible to think that ANYONE could NOT be aroused by his thoughts. I mean, look at this:

"Souls act according to the laws of final causes through appetitions, ends and means. Bodies act according to the laws of efficient causes or motions. And the two realms, that of efficient causes and that of final causes, are in harmony with one another."

Sex talk doesn't get any better than that! But he lost his job anyway and ate a lot of raw oysters to fill the void. He was pissed. As fate would have it, one afternoon while slurping down some oysters, a thought jumped into his head: "I am miserable. I will make other people miserable. But how? I know! I will create the concepts of differential and integral calculus! Yay me!"

He did. Ya see, it wasn't that he hated YOU. He hated those telegraph sex executives, and everyone in general. So he decided to enrich everyone's lives with his brilliance.

2) On his death bed, old Gotty reportedly cried: "She knows everything! She can read his mind! Nooooooo!" Then, of course, he died. I'd chalk it up to a fleeting moment of psychic sexiness.

3) I wouldn't go so far as to say I lied to you about my concept of subliminal sexiness. I do recognize that there is no substitute for understanding the material you are being tested on. You just seemed a little dejected about the whole thing, so I was trying to make you feel a little better. And, as I've probably said before, not many of the things I say can be trusted to make any sense.

4) As far as I understand, you only have to retake a class if it's a prerequisite or mandatory. Or if you really want/need the credit. Aside from that, I can't think of anything that would force you to take it again.

Kanga -

The answer is a definite yes. I've had thoughts about jumping out of my soul and being able to examine it from a different angle, or just being able to separate from it and not worry about whatever baggage goes with it. I'm going to Italy in a few weeks, so I'm hoping for at least some partial separation during that time. Previous attempts haven't been very successful, but I haven't given up yet. Maybe acid would do the trick. Maybe not. But, if I'm not sure what my soul is, how can I be sure of what I stand to lose, even if only temporarily?

My answer's still yes.
nocturnal thank you, oh wise king johnny the great. your subliminal sexiness did indeed make me feel better, but the 28 damn near defeated your attempts. I think it's fairly obvious that gottfreid was an evil, horrible man, and I'm glad he is dead. anyway, I thank you again for answering my questions. better late than never. lata! 010504
Dafremen Which brings me to MY next question:

I recently purchased a book of Natural History which contains all sorts of plants and animals along with illustrations which is cool.

Just for the sake of curiosity and to round out the warm fuzzy feeling I got about the completeness of this volume, I turned to the index and looked up:

Cannabis Sativa

Sure enough the volume contained the desired plant reference which I will now include an excerpt from:
Soft Hemp, Marihuana
Cannabis Sativa
Height to 12 ft. with stalks 1/2 inch or more in diameter, if grown crowded; or 20 ft. high and 2 in. through, if grown in the hills. (Yadda Yadda psychoactive component...yackety smackety)

So my questions are:

1. Where the HELL do they get off with that f*cked up spelling of Marijuana?

2. Wouldn't it be cool to have a 20 ft dope tree in your front yard?

3. Do you think if you could grow a 12 ft. Dope tree INSIDE that you could keep it alive year round?

4. 20 ft. Dope huh?
johnny west Dafremen -

You're not gonna believe this, but I'm gonna answer your questions the same day you asked them. I'm on a roll here!

1) I did a search for "marihuana" for fun, and it's frightening how many times the word "marijuana" has been misspelled. There is something called The Marihuana Tax Act Of 1939, but I'm almost positive it had nothing to do with Mari Joanna. My best guess the writers of this book just don't know how to spell some things. Editing, people! Whatever happened to judicious editing?

2) Yeah, it sure would be cool to have a 20 ft dope tree in my front yard. I could make some money selling some of its offspring, and enjoy some of it for myself. And I could sit underneath it in the summertime! That would be something - a picnic underneath my 20 ft dope tree.

3) Personally, I don't think I would be able to maintain a 12 ft dope tree inside. I can't even keep a venus fly trap alive, or a cactus. I never remember to provide a plant with enough water, or whatever else it needs. I just wasn't meant to have plants. However, in the hands of someone more responsible, I think an indoor dope tree could get by just fine.

4) You bet! Imagine the stench one of those would create if it were set on fire. Maybe THAT would get me high.
nocturnal procrastinating hey johnny, here's a question for ya:
what has kept scientists from figuring out a way in which to put all necessary information on a chip that is easily implanted in our brains? well, maybe not one for everything. maybe one for calculus, one for history, one to learn how to drive a car, etc. I mean, come on now. it can't be all that hard. no one would ever have to study anything again. just go buy the chip and you're golden. sure, some might say that teachers and all other people in related fields of work would be out of a job. but just think of how expensive the chips would be. surely they'd at least start out expensive enough and be popular enough to enable teachers and whoever else to receive a fair pension from the profits. and, since they'd be so expensive, some probably would not opt to spend the money and would instead learn the old-fashioned way. things would balance themselves out over time. so why have these wonderful, implantable gems of knowledge not been created yet?
johnny west Because it's too much fun for them (teachers, driving instructors or whoever) to watch us squirm and press our brains for the answers we know won't come. It's a circus of sexless monotony. Tra-la-la. Plus, it's sort of fun for us to try to figure things out, regardless of whether we're capable or not. A chip for calculus couldn't be all that bad, but I think a brain isn't something to be tampered with. Either it works, or it doesn't. Or maybe it only works occasionally. Take the concept of saoke, for instance... 010512
nocturnal speaking of brains.....
:::gives johnny back his half:::
there ya go. I no longer need that piece of shit. not till late august or early september. use it well.
nocturnal at work hey, here's a question. where the hell do you go all week? you're never on and this week especially you've been neglecting blather. maybe I'll just have to forget all about you and move on. I've gotten some interesting offers recently.... 010614
johnny west I have nothing to say about anything. That's never stopped me before, but it has this time. I have no words. I can read, and that's about it.

As for your interesting offers, I'm not gonna tell you what to do. Take 'em if you want. My absence doesn't change anything.

nocturnal dude, I was kidding about the offers. anyway, I noticed you hadn't been around and I've been rather bored all week. just wanted to know if there was a particular reason for your absence. 010614
denzel Do you love me? 010710
silentbobfuckyou when wil this ache leave me 010712
anonymouse will i ever not ever be single? 010712
lost again why won't he call? 010713
johnny west Christ! This page hasn't seen this much traffic since the dawn of man.

Denzel -

You could say I take a fatherly interest in you. But my love for you is dead. We'll never get back to the way we were in the beginning. I never dug fellas much anyway.

Silentbobfuckyou -

When the ache leaves you depends upon its intensity. Lucky for you, this can be measured quite easily. You know how there's that Richter scale thing for tectonic plates and labour pains? There's a scale just like that for ache pains. Its measurements are as follows:

1) Dull-throb-in-my-throat-ache (lasts for about five minutes)
2) I-can-feel-it-in-my-pants ache (lasts for about fifteen minutes)
3) I'm-kinda-pissed ache (lasts for a few days)
4) I-wanna-kill-somebody-ache (can last for a few weeks)
5) Someone-changed-my-gender-while-I-was-asleep ache (can last for months, or even years)

As always, the first step toward being ache-free is destroying something beautiful and then selling it to someone who doesn't know it's broken.

Anonymouse -

Of course! Even I, the hopelessly pessimistic I-will-never-have-a-girlfriend piece of filth, will probably lose my single status eventually. I think it's safe to say most people end up with somebody at some point in their lives. If not, there's always the music of The Backstreet Boys and their contemporaries to fill our heads with hollow dreams of naked love.

Lost Again -

He's probably suffering from a form of ear lobe paralysis. As anyone educated in ear lobe disorders will tell you, this makes talking on the phone for any period of time incredibly painful. The only remedy is to have someone suck on the infected lobe until it turns purple.
silentbob johnny west

you are fucking beautiful
johnny west Wow. I don't know what to say to that. 010713
lost again you should probably say "don't destroy me please- pick something else beautiful" 010713
anonymouse dear mr johnny west.
Will you marry me????
nocturnal that's the second marriage proposal johnny's gotten since he started here at blather. what a stud! 010713
johnny west Jesus! I dunno, Anonymouse. Did you see what happened the last time someone asked me to marry them? I stuck my head inside of a trash compacter. Perhaps we should go through with the courting and hand-holding and face-washing and all those rituals before jumping into marriage. And as for studs, I haven't worn one in my ear since January. I'm a ring man these days. 010713
anonymouse fine by me when can we start??? 010715
johnny west How does next Friday look for you? 010715
anonymouse awesome 010716
Dafremen Johnny,

I am currently holding a contest on blue blather in which the winners will receive one of 6 plump n' fluffy blather_sheep if they can impress me.(Or optionally impress_unhinged who is the designated substitute judge)

My question for you is this:

In your opinion, which six blatherskites are most likely to
impress_dafremen and what do you think it's gunna take to do the trick?

Tell me Johnny cuz the psychic hotline is busy and I'm just DYING to know!

(I personally haven't a clue do0d...cept I'm sure you'd probably snag a sheep if you flipped out on Truth again heheh.)
johnny west It would seem that the contest is now closed. However, my guesses would have been...hell. I don't know. I haven't the mental energy nor the sexual knowhow to go about guessing backward. I didn't get a sheep. I know that much. Um...suicidal mushroom says to Francine, "What's up with the new look?" Francine thumbs her nose at him and continues dusting nothing of importance.

Jesus. My brain's in a funny place. Hope that answers your question.
violent femme ohhhh johnny, can you tell me what it's like to die? 010722
johnny west ::: dancing without pants :::

Sure. First you get goosebumps. You feel like killing an oral surgeon just for the hell of it. Then you get this gooey sensation, kind of like being smacked upside the head with a spruce tree. You run around in circles for a bit, until you collapse from exhaustion and too many bad tacos. Finally, everything starts looking all purple, you become sexually excited, and you're dead. That's my best guess, anyway.
twiggie where are you? 020124
spoons yeah...
Where are you?
and Are you hiding daf too?
misstree do you know that
i still think of that song?
Isaou Did Johnny ever get married in the end?? 070505
johnny west As it happened, marriage was not in the cards for me, however many times blather seemed to be pointing me in that direction. After many expensive and painful surgeries, my face was restored to its pre-trash-compacted glory, complete with shiny new teeth and an impenetrable forehead made of remarkably smooth stainless steel. Now it doesn't matter how long I stay out in the sun, as long as I remember not to touch my face without first donning oven mitts. The upper crest of my head now serves as a resting place and occasional commode for various birds in the warmer months. You could call it a happy ending, if you were so inclined. 070505
Isaou I believe I shall be so inclined as to call it a happy ending =)
Altho I do fear for the safety of those birds you their feet now burn terribly?
what's it to you?
who go