silentbob in my absence you miss me
you like to take me in small doses
and shower me with affection when i'm with you.
scarlett it really does make the heart grow fonder 011114
solitary In your absence
God has done a wicked thing,
transforming the memory of you into an image greater than Adonis,
my love,
my heart,
my life.
My mistake
will ring inside my head forever.
belly fire reminds the girl of her independence. 021218
SuicidalAngel Your absence in my life has only made me stronger

I wish I could mean that
tender_square in reviewing the reams of camera footage, a pattern has emerged. whenever he exits the front door, he always glances over his left shoulder toward the driveway to see whether or not it's empty. when twenty-four hours pass since i've last been seen, or the symbols that stand in for my presence have materialized, he is quieter and spends more time inside the residence. as this absence stretches into forty-eight hours, his agitation simmers. he becomes ornery and fidgety; he spends greater periods on the porch alone, looking beyond at passerby for connection. by a seventy-two hours shortage, he revisits past injustices and carries on angry one-sided conversations out of desperation for company. he is highly anxious and twitchy. whenever i've returned home from extended swathes away, he is begging for attention, jumping up and down on the porch like an impatient child: "notice me! notice me! notice me!" acting out and wanting acknowledgement for the worst behaviours possible. he grows despondent when my presence isn't here. 230706
what's it to you?
who go