newme tune out to tune in 040715
tilt notes push into my head unbidden
where do they come from?
where do they go?
Soma James wrote me a little riff, a tiny song. We used to talk about music a lot, back in those days. It was when I still trusted people. Before things became blurred with memories of crying in bed, late night gin and leather. He told me the tune made him think of me.

I still have it on my phone, that unknowable audio. You see, I had an iphone, and he had an android. The file never played right, because it was incompatible between the two of us, I suppose - or rather, the data that is. Years later, when I finally had access to a Windows device, the whole thing was corrupt. Whatever was in there had been passed back and forth so many times between places that would never let it be known, that I guess it just broke.

But I still have it. In some ways, it's perhaps more meaningful of what was between us than some bit of audio I might forget or find unfinished. It will always be my tiny bit of corruption.
what's it to you?
who go