gja Something good 101104
n o m e e match 101104
nr i tried to get something from you today. i told you i'd had lots of judgments and expectations put on me, and no appreciation or compliments, and that it's been hard to deal with. you said you wouldn't be someone who would judge me and that i should just be myself.

which is nice. but i wanted you to compliment me.

i know it's not fair that i set you up to say something i wanted. and it's not your fault you didn't, but i was disappointed. you never really compliment me in a real sense, unless it's about my appearance, so i guess i also wanted to give you an easy in, in case it's not the kind of thing you bring up easily on your own.

clearly it didn't work. i wonder sometimes what it is you like about me.
e_o_i Alexia of immer_immersion likes the colours of my clothes. Her friend and classmate Emily offered this addition: "You look like a popsicle. In a good way." 230522
nr amid all his chatter and "old man yells at cloud" moments that we hadn't paid for but were for some reason getting, there was some helpful info. he told me, after hearing my short story, that i had a knack for writing people in real-life situations that seemed, well, real. and accurate. and easy to picture. 231126
nr a higher-up at work said i'm "very process-oriented." 240301
nr "you're such a uniquely kind person." 240422
what's it to you?
who go