raze she wondered if an animal could be trained to answer to two different names at any given time with equal sincerity. once she met a cat, its coat black and white in uneven parts, on the fire escape of an apartment building. she crouched down and they got to know each other a little. she didn't know the cat's name. she decided she liked the sound of isabelle. she said it over and over again, staring deep into feline eyes that seemed to answer her gaze with detached amusement. isabelle. isabelle. isabelle. is a bell. with enough repetition, she thought the cat might memorize the sound of the name and answer to it if they met again, the rest of the time answering to whatever her owners called her at home. but she never saw that cat again, so she never had the chance to put her theory to the test. 140818
epitome of incomprehensibility (Answering fiction with nonfiction: My friend & her former girlfriend's old cat was called both Crémazie and Catface. He'd been rescued from somewhere else - near the Crémazie metro apparently - and went somewhere else; but when the people were a couple and he stayed with them they treated him well but were never quite sure what name, if either of them, would stick.) 140818
raze those are two great names! 140818
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