redTree my oldest daughter is doing a sculpture project for an art installation piece and part of it will include a handmade magazine. she's given me the priviledge to create the contents and i was wondering if y'all would like to participate on the essays?

if so, please write a paragraph or such on what "change" means to you...

there are no restrictions...could be any kind of change...change in the pocket, changing your clothes, change in nature, changing your mind...it's up to you. the entries will be compiled and become the magazine itself along with imagery.

thanks for your consideration.
unhinged well, this will take some serious consideration on my part. yesterday got suddenly fall around here so change seems on the tip of my brain anyways. there is a decidedly negative connotation to change for me lately.

caught me without words, just amorphous nebulous ideas floating around in my foggy head.
jane yes yes yes i would love to participate 080904
jane can you please let me know when you would like them by? i'm obsessed with deadlines lately. 080904
redTree thanks for your interest!
as for a deadline: october 30
what's it to you?
who go