Sonya I like the way the sun shines so brightly just before it sets. It's as if it's crying out to be seen before it goes to sleep.

I like the shimmer of dew drops on daffodils.

I love the scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.

I like the way fuzzy bunny ears flop over.

I love climbing the mountain of excitement when I'm reading a good book.

I especially love running my hands over peaches. The velvety fuzz seems to calm me.

I like the way a whimsical melody can make the whole day seem just a bit better.

I love movies that remind me of life's wonderful little things. Amelie's world is magical.
crOwl the velvety fuzz of peaches calms me...
now, that's tactile observation at its finest.
what's it to you?
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