e_o_i (I started writing this on Aug. 3 but didn't finish it.)

I could put this under gotta_sleep_sleep_sleep, but I CAN sleep. I just can't sleep sleep sleep; the past three nights I've only been able to manage 3-5 hours of it.

Saturday-Sunday's threeish hours came after helping David pack the rest of the things from his apartment - he is going to his mother's house for the fall, and then in January to Oxford for a year and a half. Anyway, the packing took longer than either of us expected. He lifted more heavy things but I was sweeping and wiping off counters. I blew my nose and grey grime-tinged snot came out (romantic).

Then it was back to my parents' house at 3 AM. He slept in my brother's room and I in my own. When I closed my eyes around 4:30, sleep soon followed, but when I woke up at 8 I was too nervous for more.

I was worried about driving all the way from Montreal to Toronto, and I wasn't even the one driving. I was afraid I'd have a panic attack, out there on the highway, with no immediate change of location possible. But then when we got going I realized I had nothing to be scared of, not then. The 401 is straightforward. We stopped twice. Music was played, and I fell asleep near the end to a rapper called Canibus.

(When David switched it to Tool I grumbled internally; I like Tool, but the changing nature of the music makes it hard to doze to. But if you're driving you can choose more of the accompanying sounds; them's the imaginary rules I'll adhere to, like a sticker clinging precariously to the elbow of the Statue of Fairness.)

But that night I couldn't sleep until around 6 AM. I was in David's sister's old room, the beds being too small to accommodate two people who prefer to repose in cool temperatures. But he came in around 4:30 after using the bathroom in the hall, when I made I-am-awake noises.

He asked what was wrong, why I couldn't sleep.

I don't know. My mind won't let me. Everything's changing, maybe that's why. (You're going away.)
epitome of incomprehensibility I thought there was already a blathe with this title!!

Anyway, it works: I was young when I wrote this. It was four weeks ago. Now I'm old.

Why couldn't I sleep? Partly I was afraid of going up northwest of Nappanee that Wednesday with his mother and sister's family. Because trips to the unknown = scary. But we did and it was relaxing. David talked about his parents' old cottage and the places he'd been as a kid. I didn't panic. That night I finally slept well.
e_o_i Aha. That was sorrows_of_young_e_o_i. No definite particle.

The_red_thread of connection between the title and content? Back then I had a crush on someone unattainable, which reminded me of The Sorrows of Young Werther, only my sorrows always seemed mixed up with comedy and confusion.
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