epitome of incomprehensibility Gah, falling for the person I wrote about in "Linear" would be like this all over again:

A few years ago, I was in off-and-on unrequited love with Elegant Name from Cote-des-neiges (mentioned in surreal_Sundays?) She radiated niceness, had a beautiful voice, and was engaged. My mind somehow blocked the last part out, Sorrows-of-Young-Werther style.

It happened that I was invited to her wedding, and I had a writing project for my old boss due at that time. I went all the way to the metro stop near the church where the wedding took place but couldn't bear to go in, so I dashed into the nearby Subway and ate a sandwich while working on the writing project. I made good headway on it. By the time I was ready for a break it was an hour after the wedding was supposed to have started and I was less anxious, so I figured it'd at least be polite to greet them at the end of the wedding. So I went over and Elegant Name was outside, having her photo taken with the bridal party. I thought the wedding was over, so I said something like "Congratulations! Is the wedding finished?" and she said, "No, it's about to start, hurry up and go inside!"

I went inside. The place was done up fancily and traditionally, with a flowery arch around the altar and white felt petals to throw from baskets. They wrote their vows themselves and said them in English, French, and Spanish. Lots of declarations of love, said in beautiful voices. It was the sort of thing that nudged at my emotions and said, "Look, normally you'd judge this wedding as corny and too expensive, but right now you're emotionally raw and everything will seem designed to make you cry. Cool, huh?"

By the time the ceremony ended I was in tears, and I was trying to stop crying because everyone was in a group photo on the church steps. I ducked behind someone and managed to remain invisible. Elegant Name saw me when people were leaving. She said she'd saved me a seat at the reception and I said my allergies were bothering me, they were making me tear up, and I was sorry about it, but someone else could take that place.

I got over it fairly quickly after that, so I my feeling might have been more "worry about my deadline" than "suffering from a broken heart." Or one compounded the other. I don't know.
e_o_i Intersectionality junction here! It is vitally important to realize the unique struggles we bi/pan ADHDers face: we are particularly prone to pine over unrequited crushes while worrying about deadlines.

...Or so the procrastinating natterer just pulled out of her assonance. We'll never know.

THE_sorrows_of_young_e_o_i is about insomnia, because it's the definite articles we lose sleep over.
what's it to you?
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