Sonya There is so much I want to ask and say and know, but they all bar my opportunities.

Have you ever wondered what life was like being a ball of clay?

Molded, prodded, squished, into something that is borderline pleasing for the moment...until the time comes when you have to be molded and squished again because you're no longer perfect enough.

It's a shame when you can't even make yourself heard among your own loved ones.

It's a pain when you feel more unloved than loved.

It hurts to realize that we're often on both sides of the coin.

Stifled, condemned, held, and forced to keep our feelings inside. We are muted.
kerry i can't help feeling out connection
though there are 6 years between us
and you run barefoot and pick blueberries from your mother's garden.
you are the me i was always afraid to be.
what's it to you?
who go