raze the first two supertramp albums, unheard and unloved by all but a few ardent fans, are ridiculously underrated. i will fight anyone who says otherwise. with a foam rubber sword.

the eponymous debut record is a pretty little prog party with a few masterstrokes in the shape of "shadow song" and "try again". but the real advance comes here. what will soon become the supertramp sound is beginning to take shape, with heavy use of wurlitzer electric piano and woodwinds.

while their songwriting would grow more ambitious and refined in the years ahead, the band would never make an album quite this quirky or fun again. i mean, try to find another song in their catalogue as gloriously dumb as "potter". it can't be done. and if "remember" doesn't make you want to scream along and shake your shit, you might not have any shit to shake.

after his voice was scarcely heard on "supertramp", rick davies gets to have his coming-out party. he's the featured vocalist on all but three of the ten tracks that make up "indelibly stamped". meanwhile, with "travelled" and "aries", roger hodgson arrives at something very close to his final form.

there's something to be said for the rough gems that fall through the cracks. this is one of them.
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