sandblasted and nameless the message from within and without, repeating with military precision across time and space like a pulsar, is that this world is not for you. and it's not in some judgemental way, as some cosmic punishment. no, it's just the self-selecting mechanism of raindrops falling either here or there. sure we can artificially keep the puppy born with only one leg alive--maybe he can do math or bark out a scratchy rendition of jingle bells to warm our hearts--but things just stick or they don't. the infinite wind grinds against my sensors, inflicting pain and numbness at once. exhaustion is the reward for trying and failing and trying and failing and trying and failing. 131016
Pilgrim I leave no progeny. No great innovation to change the course of History. No Fortune to be fought over. I pass like a shadow into the night. An Observer. An Eternal Outsider. I Am Good with That. 131017
JC the_world_is_what_you_make_it

you are your own GOD.

go forth,
and follow your BLISS.
what's it to you?
who go