auburn the pull you feel to this place of words.

that unresolvable desire you have to contribute here, through words written and read.

through decades this connection lingers.

it's inescapable.
crOwl well said... 071017
>> yes, true, what is it about blue and red?
i don't go on any other site to talk rubbish, what is it about this web-site? what is it ? maybe it is something about fredom of speech and expression?
jane it's a weird realization when it comes to you that these are all Real People. 071018
unhinged my brain can't even think intelligbly about my blather_family right now.

but i trust blather people implicitly (sometimes to a fault). i guess it's because this is one of the only places that i am truly honest. when people know me through blather they know me better than 99% of other human beings.

but when i think of our little corner of the internet around here, one of the first words that definitely comes to mind is family.
unhinged co_op
jane not hostel. it brings back some bad memories, and i think that is a little more temporary sounding than the 7 years i've spent here. :) 071019
unhinged hey_jane i didn't realize that we've been here since around the same time. for me and you, blather wouldn't be a hostel then i guess. but often times it is a revolving door that brings together an odd little group of people, who then compared to us and some other old timers, get bored pretty quickly and move on. 071020
jane i'd rather them get bored & move on then get bored & stay & harrass people. :) 071021
unhinged eh, i don't mind the harassment. it means that at least someone is paying a modicum of attention to harass me in the first place. well, let me revise. i don't mind the harassment when it comes to most anything except religion. 071021
jane i think the one thing that really irks me is when people steal my name. it's happened twice now & there's a sort of helplessness that comes along with that. do you know what i mean? 071022
j. i mean i guess it's not My name, it's not even my Name. or is it? when does a blather_persona become a nickname? i've had people call me jane, i turn around if someone says so. i hate names anyways, but years of writing under the name jane, i had the decency to check and see if someone else was using it before i snatched it up. fucking assuming bastards. i'm in a ranty mood today. i apologize/ 071022
log burning fire we dip a thick paintbrush into our own understanding of blood we could distill from our own soul and we fling it across a canvas not unlike anyone's perception of a full moon. what do we see?

something much more than splatters.
what's it to you?
who go