kyla weary and well-defined 020330
fu "well-defined"? 020719
bespeckled She sits in a partially lit room,
the only light peeking in between half open shades on the window.
Running her fingers through her hair, wrapping her hands in the long locks like a warm blanket, she frowns.
Pondering all the imponderables in her life, forming half-thoughts, discovering half-truths, then tying them to the ends of balloons and letting them float away in her head. After 1 hour, she has no revelations left in her hands, nothing but bare skin, empty palms. She thinks blankly on her position, coming to no tangible conclusions. All she is aware of is this torturous mood - this sense of bleak solitude that overwhelms her, that no one, not any one, will ever be able to penetrate. This frown that will remain forever etched somewhere deep within her heart.
raze maybe the most mutable, hair-trigger thing of all. 130930
n o m doom 130930
what's it to you?
who go