crOwl what was the best part of your day? 071023
jane so far - i got an email earlier, somebody checked out my artwork on my website & liked a photo i took, wanted to use it in a painting. we've been emailing back & forth. i'll get a bit of $, and some recognition. that was pretty damn exciting - ! 071023
unhinged what music have you been listening to lately? 071023
to be honest with you i've been pretty passive with the music lately. sad, isn't it? i don't know, it's like i can't really make a decision so i'm just listening out for it. whatever e puts in the cd player in the car. it's all new to me, it's like i'm getting a piece of his past.

& a couple days ago i found all my old cd's, some of them were crista's that she left behind when she moved out. one of those was one that stork_daddy/werewolf/lycanthrope made for her. pretty interesting stuff.
crOwl check out...matt cipov 071024
pete if you look at red, a number of the recent posts with my name that seem to attack your posts are not by me.

to the other redskites, thanks for letting me use your space. i might hide here a while.
j wait, you mean if i look at blue?

yeah, impersonator's going around, the motherfucker. thanks for letting me know.
p well, i didn't know if you looked at red ever, a confusing clause i agree. 080107
c r 0 w l i would love to see your new painting...(oil_paint)?
just let me know where...i wish i could come over and take a look...
unhinged most of the pics on my myspace i took when i was fucked up

unhinged something very funny happened to me today and i thought of you for some reason

i was wearing this chemise-like top that had ribbon straps. i was running some errands. signing the lease on my new place, grabbing lunch, depositing checks at the bank, going to the mall, when one of the straps broke. so i tied it to the other one. the girl at the bank pointed at me and whispered to the other teller. bitch. that's why i don't have a lot of girl_friends. anyways, at some point, the OTHER strap broke so i had to tie it up like a halter while in the process of finding a new shirt at the mall. the other kicker...i didn't have a bra on.

i'm not sure why i thought of you; maybe because i thought you would think it was funny too.

boys like to watch boobs flap around. girls, at least straight ones, are disgusted by it.
jane i guess i'm a boy then. i respect your macguyver skills. and your mom. 080714
jane and don't let the bitches get you down. i got some rude comments saturday night because i happened to be wearing a low cut dress. which later became a place to throw pennies for my friend james. but as i walked past a couple girls on my way to get a drink, i heard one of them say "oh my god, PLEASE." you just have to roll your eyes and remember that they have nothing better to occupy their mind than petty judgmental gossip. 080714
lucy hi plain Jane, i wouldn't sit next to him he stinks. 080714
unhinged i thought the situation was mildly amusing, bitches and all, until the second strap broke. then i had no choice but to spend money on new clothes.

you better believe i held my head high and had a smirk on my face for all the haters. guys in milwaukee have some serious staring problems.
jane maybe that's just their default face . 080716
j also, i have a staring problem when it comes to boobs 080716
unhinged maybe it is their default face, but the way their heads, necks crane, turn, follow as the drive by is not.

right now, at this fucked_up point in life, i want boys to leave their hungry, dirty eyes to themselves. last night, i was drunk and high on the bus and some guy tried to talk to me. inside, i wanted to scream 'leave me ALONE' outside, i smiled and made some small talk for a few minutes and then politely said 'i'm going to listen to my ipod some more' and was more than relieved when he got off the bus long before i did so i didn't have to feel his eyes on me anymore.

unhinged your myspace page only gets funnier; i TOTALLY appreciate it

REAListic optimIST thanks for the excuse to make and send you an artsy card. 080718
jane heh. i would have just told him to leave me alone. think next time, what do you care what some dude thinks of you? are you ever going to see him again?

come on lady! stand up! empower!

let me hear you roar!
j p.s. you were one of the first people i thought of when i changed the page 080718
jane and mr. optimist - ANYTIME. anytime anytime. seriously. more. now. 080718
unhinged well, i used to think there was no harm in talking to someone. i have a hard time telling people to leave me the fuck alone, until they do something horrible to me. it's a downfall of mine. but, after i stuck my headphones back in my ear, he left me alone.

i showed anthony your myspace page (he gets pissed about my your_mom_ jokes especially when he's drunk) and all he could say was 'that's intense'
jane well if you ever need to tell me to leave you the fuck alone, i would hope that you would. at the very least i would most sincerely appreciate your honesty. smiles, girlie. don't make me worry about you. 080721
unhinged why would i ever tell you to leave me the fuck alone?

anthony's like all for his girlfriend. i have been very sad ever since i heard about that.
jane i can be very harassing 080722
unhinged mostly i don't mind being harassed (if it's not the get in my pants type of harassment) when i'm lonely and funked which is pretty much always 080722
j i'm sure at some point i'll try to get in your pants 080723
jane god, that sounds so serious without a :) next to it. but i have been known to sexually harass your mom. 080723
unhinged although i have to say, girls trying to get in my pants doesn't really bother me at all. less invasive....

my mom is a grown person. she can take care of herself.

bad joke maker YOUR MOM can take ...care......of....

unhinged you should come to milwaukee and be foolish here. before it gets too cold for your californian blood. it will give me something to look forward to; we could be all lonely and foolish together. 080904
jane by the time i save up money to get over there it will be warm there again. you have no idea how badly i'd like to come. 080905
unhinged $20/week in the milwaukee beer tour fund would probably put you here in the middle of an 18 inch blizzard. which might be fun considering you would get to go back to your sunnier snowless climes after a few days.


besides, beer will be in milwaukee til the end of days. and i'll probably be here for awhile yet anyways.
redTree where should the_blather_red_book be sent?
to you for flickr updates or first to birdmad?
unhinged how's the pup these days? 081213
. redtree_innerviews_jane 081214
jane let's do bird first, i can wait. and i'd like to see what he comes up with. 081216
jane puppy's doing okay. she's still a conehead but she smells less since i washed her neck the other day. i am glad she hasn't gotten at her staples and i'm hoping to get them taken out soon. she seems a bit bored and sad but i know she'll feel better once that plastic is off her head.

it has inspired me for a photoshoot though, so at least some good has come from it.
cr0wl let's talk about the world 081216
birdmad ooo...pressure...i'm almost afraid that i am not enduring enough pain of one sort or another to be suitably creative...o, but i will try, though...i wonder if i should invest in the absinthe in the meantime...maybe i can rediscover some hidden madness that even my modest comforts have obscured 081216
jane let's talk about the universe.

and birdO, don't submit to the pressures. it doesn't suit you. i know that you're creative. i've seen your art.
rt as you can tell i loved your poem...danke schon

jane well gee. i'm glad you liked it. i had been waiting until a slight bout of inspiration. i made it up pretty suddenly. your interpretations give it more value than it probably should have. then again, i adore your innerviews. 090205
unhinged i saw this and thought of you for some reason:


hearts and winks
jane because i love making lists almost as much as i love cheese!

thank you, sugar.
unhinged something about that automatically made me think of you; cosmic connection.

me, you, cheese
jane best trifecta ever. 090416
unhinged just another reason why you should come to wisconsin; it may not be the official cheese capital of america anymore but i guarantee the best grill cheese sandwich beer combo you've ever had in your life. 090416
unhinged have a good trip. i already bought a pretty card to place my handwriting in for you. 090424
jane how exciting! can't wait to see it! 090424
unhinged i'm waiting

unhinged do i need to give you a deadline? ;-P 090519
jane hah! well i've now only received 2 of many promised things, so i do appreciate that you were the first. and though i do not work well with deadlines, i do work well with constant nagging... :) 090519
unhinged how about the disappointed look i get on my face everyday i open my mailbox and it's just junk in there? is that nagging enough? 090519
unhinged (nothing like that catholic guilt for a good nag) 090519
rt have you ever had a cheeseburger at the squeeze inn on fruitridge road? 090526
jane no but i have heard they are the best cheeseburgers of all time. :) 090527
unhinged mail me 090527
jane hey naggy, i'm on it!

(creeps away with shifty eyes)
unhinged hey slowpoke, you told me to nag!

(walks away pouty, eyes_cast_down )
j (keep nagging) 090528
unhinged all i'm saying is some good mail would really make my day, possibly even my week 090528
unhinged got the letter and the butterflies. the letter is with my collection of handwritten and typewritten letters from skites and other penpals. still thinking of what to do with the butterflies. they seem like they want to adorn something.

should we correspond this way regularly?
jane i would love that! as long as you are willing to remain patient with me!

as far as the butterflies - a cool idea would be to get some of those magnets that come in a strip so you can cut them, and have adhesive on one side.

damn, that's a good idea - i think i'm going to have to do that myself!

(my roommate and i got into a magnet-making craft project one day. i have a ton of crappy magnets from various events and businesses; i seem to attract them! we covered them with different colors of duct_tape and drew on them, or used double_sided_tape to adhere cool pictures, or just cut them into interesting shapes...stars, hearts, eyes....and made our own refrigerator magnets)..
unhinged i was at a cheese tasting reception after the dharma talk i attended tonight and thought of you ;-) tonight reminded me of a couple skites.

you should try parrano cheese. it was my favorite and absolutely delicious.
jane oh! a new cheese! how exciting!

i'll have to see if i can find it at one of the local markets... what is it like?

did i tell you about my new favorite? it's called teleme - it's like if monterey jack and brie had a love child :)
unhinged parrano is like if gouda and parmesan had a love child. i read the wiki and it's technically gouda but it's a little harder than regular gouda. i think it's also technically considered gouda cause it's made in the netherlands. i can't tell you the last time it was acceptable for me to eat american 'cheese'. and i ate it all the time when i was a kid. living here in wisconsin though, it's hard to avoid good cheese. grilled cheese in pretty much any restaurant here has at least three kinds of quality cheese. but the parrano...mmmmm. i've been really getting into the buddhism lately and going to the local shambhala center a lot, taking classes, going to talks, and good cheese seems to be a fixture of most of these events. so gouda is my current favorite. i still can't get into the goat cheese try as i might. it tastes dirty to me. seriously, you should come visit me. we could go out for the best grilled cheese in town.

if you have a trader joe's near you, you should check them. they have an amazing selection of good cheese and they are always cheap.
unhinged i did find the parrano at trader joe's.

i'm making a spinach mushroom pizza with it tomorrow. i'll let you know how it turns out.
unhinged (it's slightly expensive, $9.99/lb but they sell it in small preweighed packages so i spent 4.20. haha. i had to buy the chunk that was 4.20. ha. haha. i'm becoming a stoner again after my accident. it's really one of the only things that makes me feel better) 091102
jane thank you for the update on the cheese... mmm... cheese...

gouda has always been and will always be one of my favorites, so parrano sounds quite exciting. i'm interested in how your pizza came out!
unhinged drank too much gin last night and had some errands and a massage before i go out for ladies night so didn't get a chance to make the pizza today. but i have to make it soon so the veg and dough doesn't go bad. me and my brother were discussing the best way to deal with the toppings last night. i'll be sure to let you know. 091103
unhinged and after i thought about it $9.99/lb for imported cheese is not expensive at all. trader joes is good like that. fancy gourmet bites at government assistance prices.

no matter where i live next, there must be a trader joes. this is definitely a requirement.

btw, i'll be in california for spring break. sometime in march. gotta figure out when most of my students have theirs and then book the flight.
unhinged finally made the pizza. there are definitely some kinks to work out, but it was very good. i used balsamic viniagrette instead of tomato sauce, crimini mushrooms, spinach, the parrano, and red onion. maybe i shredded the parrano too fine but it was the only grater i had.

the point of making my own pizza was it was supposed to be cheaper than frozen, but once again my gourmet tastebuds stab my wallet. although maybe not....but not the significant savings i was after. but definitely tastier so i guess i win ;-)
jane i am just so jealous that you have a working oven! despite my attempts to get my landlord to fix it in the past year, mine is still out of commission.

for now, i bake vicariously through your oven :)
hsg yeah... i have no kitchen. but the rents cheap and in a good location! 091108
unhinged no oven? for pizza purposes alone, i would go nuts.

no kitchen....i don't think i could live without one. the one i have is tiny, but functional
jane ha! i have a large kitchen, non-functional. we should combine forces. 091109
unhinged i'm pretty sure i'm coming to northern california for spring break. talk to me in a few months 091109
unhinged (i bought more parrano today. and whole wheat pizza crust this time) 091109
j woo! i'd love to see you again. maybe we can do a mini mini blather-con - or i can convince you & j to come to sacramento. 091110
unhinged http://www.food2.com/blog/2010/01/20/national-cheese-lovers-day-we-heart-cheese?xp=food_footer

i hope this link doesn't fuck up this page cause i hate it when that happens, but i saw this and thought of you ;-)

and i've been eating a lot of cheese lately. i am the skinniest i've ever been and i've been craving fat to keep away the winter chill. seriously ma, you should come visit so we can have a cheese-a-thon.

thanks for the phone call. it was pleasantly unexpected. i ran across one of your butterflies recently. how'd you know? :-P
cr0wl so good to talk to you again on the phone margaux. we always seem to pick up where we left off last time. i hope
the_ blather_red_book makes its way to you soon. everyone wants to see the latest contributions plus many more want to join in...i love your friendship.
j always a pleasure, K. thank you for empathizing with me, and whirling me in your mysterious game of 20 questions, hee hee.. .

you are always a dear to talk to and collaborate with - i look forward to working with you soon.
unhinged you texted me right about asi was going to leave you the best smart_ass blathe about that drunk_voicemail but *shrugs*

you win
jane there's no winning, woman. 100527
lg please let me know how you like rat girl....almost bought it online when i read the review but my reading list is getting out of hand so i didn't. (yet) 101116
jane for sure! 101116
unhinged happy belated birthday 101203
PeeT i have a fellow ski coach/friend moving to folsom in a couple weeks. she is 23ish. she will be a nanny. do you know this area? is it near sac-town? any pointers for her? suggestions? 130216
what's it to you?
who go