enthrone, dethrone where is the god_man? dream. riding public transit. it's a streetcar, as they have in prague. i'm with someone else, ether man, i believe. we're going somewhere. i do not know.. i think, maybe, we're on the wrong train (as i was in prague, once) and we've got three stops to go. it's the right train, though, and we arrive.. we step out of a yellow sports car, and go separate ways.. i forward, he behind. i see to my right a subgenius bar, and think, yes, as we're in santa cruz, there are more of those.. i stare at the man walking out the door until he turns his head, and continue my way around the back. the back of the store has another store front, which looks closed at first glance, and has jewelry and trinkets in the window. i look beyond the tinted glass, though, and see a cafe full of people. i walk on, not wanting to be seen looking at the jewelry. i'm in a hallway, full of classrooms. i look into one door, and see my brother seated inside, amongst 20 some other people. i walk him and ask him what's up. he points the chalkboard, and says, he's done this once before. written is "woist der rousseau". someone in the class says, where is the god man? i tell him i can't remember what he is referring to, and he makes me guess. an old game of mine. he gives me the hint, tempest. i say, the shakespeare play? he says, no. i say, tempest 2000 (an old video game)? he says, no, and smacks me in the head with a graphing calculator. i wake up, feeling amused and refreshed.
what's it to you?