past we're in the midst of our second "once in a century" event in less than. Five years. half the city doesn't have power, but it's weird block by block pockets. somehow we're safe, dry, and with power.

what's really amazing is the wide reach of the storm. a cousin 500km west lost power in the storm, and it reached further east from us.
past the city is spotted: one block bright, the next in darkness. trees and branches have taken out small segments of the grid. it's worse they say then the great ice storm of 25 years ago. but perhaps better in that it is at least not freezing outside. 220523
past i had just started working at my current organization when the torando tore through the city a few years ago. first week on the job. i told my manager i couldn't make it in.

i remember the tempest in a teapot this caused my supervisor (who reported to the manager and very confusingly had the same job title as i did) that i didn't tell him i was going to miss work. (the office building didn't even have power.) it was a real firm example of professionalism as a sword: i, the new hire with less than 5 days under my belt, was expected to know internal intricacies i was never informed of. they, the bosses, didn't need to tell the building was closed.

it was all moot in the pettiest of ways. here i was, over a day without power, being shamed. (unsurprisingly, perhaps, i moved divisions soon after.)
past it feels too soon for another severe summer storm event. at least give us a month. 220615
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