Speaking of Christmas-wear, my cousin gave me a green and red T-shirt for Christmas that says, "I'm not short, I'm just elf-sized" and I wore it this week because it's a T-shirt. Which reminds me of my friend recommending me a pork sandwich at a Chinese restaurant. When I said I liked the veggie one better, she said, "Hmm, it's weird, but ever since I've become a vegetarian I keep recommending meat for other people" ...the linking theme being that my cousin L is Jewish and likes to get Christmas-y things for me, though I don't make a big deal out of Christmas. Also, I guess Judaism traditionally limits meat-eating to a greater extent than Christianity does, though L doesn't follow a kosher diet and I'm the one that isn't a fan of pork (though ham goes well with pineapples, you must admit). Parallel rather than linear thinking - attention deficit, high definition! Better than being colourblind, because Christmas T-shirts are all about the red and green.