raze you were resting there all alone, deep inside the dimple you'd created in the blanket of white where you fell.

i shouldn't say you fell; someone let you go after smoking you down to the filter. dropped you and left you to freeze there. left you to meld with the earth over time, until you became just another faceless piece of pollution.

i wondered whose lips you'd been pressed between earlier that day. could have been a man. could have been a woman. they could have been sucking your tobacco into their lungs just to kill time. or maybe they needed your nicotine to quell their screaming nerves. maybe they smoked you in small bursts during the lulls in a conversation they were having with a friend. maybe they inhaled you without an audience, like they were starving and you were their only form of sustenance. you could have been the last of the pack, or just one of many. maybe they reveled in the taste and smell of you. maybe they barely noticed you were there at all.

whatever the circumstances, once you'd served your purpose, you were thrown away. they couldn't even be bothered to lay you to rest in a trash can somewhere nearby. i thought of taking you with me inside where it was warm and giving you a proper burial, before deciding i had no use for someone else's afterthought.

sorry, cigarette in the snow. i hope you didn't die in vain.
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