epitome of incomprehensibility What? No curry yet? I don't know what it is about this spice combination that's so magical, but it seems to go with anything. And to make me happy (what_made_you_smile_today). This afternoon when I got back from the library, knowing I had two classes to tutor soon (turned out to be only one - the other boy canceled last-minute, phooey for him), I felt exhausted and unreasonably grouchy. I was glad no one else was in the house at the moment - I didn't want to inflict my grumpiness on them - and I wandered into the kitchen and saw a container of curry on the breadboard near the sink, with little spills of the yellowish powder around it. So I pressed my finger on them and licked it off - instant happiness.

(Despite your marketing, Coca-Cola, opening a Coke can is not the same as "open[ing] happiness." It's more like opening a can of bubbly teeth-rotting sugar water. Which tastes good for the first few sips, but isn't magic. Curry is.)

In a container in the fridge were some chicken pieces mixed with mayonnaise. I put some on a cracker, sprinkled curry, ate. Mmm. And another. But I didn't want to overload on protein so I took out a jar of mom's homemade fruit chutney (a sweet and slightly salty sauce with peppers, pears, celery, and such) for topping on the next two crackers. With curry! And it went marvelously! I think I should really try iced_curry_peaches. I'm just suffering from a lack of peaches.

So, without further ado, I shall adapt the "Rubber Ducky" song from Sesame Street:

Curry curry, you're the one.
You make snacktime so much fun.
Curry curry, I'm awfully fond of you!
what's it to you?
who go