kendera the painful relief made me sleepy.

so i fell aspleep with that pillow over there.....
arinna for two weeks and the patterns on the couch are beginning to dance through my dreams. 010714
kyla wakey 040711
nom sleepy sleepy 061013
jackson . 061013
cocoon its that thing where you're tired and want to sleep. you know you should sleep. but first.

but first.

but first i just need to..

and then i end up staying up even though im tired. messing with my sleeping schedule. i'll pay for this tomorrow.
cr0wl i used to have a stuffed animal when i was little that was a collie dog with closed eyes and a rubber nose. i named it sleepy jones. 090821
cocoon I am sleepy. But first dinner, and then bed time.

I realy should have had a nap today.
n o m e e so sleepy, physically tired but emotionally hyper, it's discomforting. i just want to be liked. and i just want to be able to talk and share but evereything is the tip of the iceberg 110103
workinprogress. find_yourself
tired bird the hard comedown from a week of insomnia, can barely focus, want to curl up under my blanket with my cats, turn on some quieter selections of Aphex Twin and sleep until thursday 110104
Toxic_Kisses Must be the rain, been sleepy all day yet even though I've tried twice now I cant actually get to sleep. Not particularly worried but I do wish not to be yawning quite so much. 141013
Soma Winter settles in
Heavy eyelids and the slow shuffle
Of feet too far from fire
Tired bodies restless
In the long dark
what's it to you?
who go