mikey is what im gonna take right now. i love taking naps! hated it as a it as an adult.

bed here i cometh, allow me to grace ye with my being once more.
nocturnal good night. by the time you wake up I'll be gone. I promise. 010309
viva ...ster 010325
dean-bean I always wake up tired from naps. Is there something wrong with me? 010330
lost so do i. i dont really like sleeping in the day unless it's at skool. i seem to learn more when i am asleep. 010815
belly fire curled up tight
knees kissing tummy
pouting lips
and deep heavy breaths
for the third time today
a nap of champions!
you didn't know I snapped a secret picture of you just as you were
tucked it away with my other happy memories of you
later I'll call to mind the peaceful way you can slip into a nap
so perfectly at ease
cocoon is what i do when im stressed 090908
no reason oh how i wish 090908
past I'd love one about now. 090908
gja I don't think she used the word nap.
Maybe kip? Maybe rest?
It matters not.

So I faked effrontery.
On what possible basis would she believe I needed any form of pause before high_tailing it away.
My mind followed my legs out the door.

I most certainly didn't need a nap.
z kip 170322
raze i could use about a million of these, chained together on an intricate grid of hammocks. i mean, sleep needs to get some sleep too sometimes, doesn't it? 240724
what's it to you?
who go