epitome of incomprehensibility Another one for the Randomly Found Music Archives. I was searching "allura red" to make sure it hadn't been used in a song, because I was thinking of making imaginary Sylvia Plath use that phrase (it denotes red dye; she is calling those who admire her myth and not her actual work artificial).

"Allura red song," to be exact. And then a band called Prodigal Puffins pops up. Their song of its name is an instrumental piano piece, suprisingly good for something that popped out of almost nowhere. I listened to it twice.

The band... Minimalist, instrumental easy-listening jazz with a surreal tinge? I think their song "Dissipation Stage" is my favourite so far, and it has at least one surreal chord. Maybe that is the dissipation stage.

Rather than dissolution. The mixture remains fairly discrete. Discreetly discrete.

Their title seems blather-like, too, and one of their albums is called "Library Science Experiment."
e_o_i I mean, other people can use "allura red" metaphorically. As long as it doesn't rhyme with the line "Baby, Roland Barthes is dead."

(Roland Barthes is the one who came up with the "death_of_the_author" idea in literary criticism. It all makes sense in context.)
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