nom two songs

i listened
and again
nom listening now third 060208
nom and four listened 060208
nom and sigh 060209
Soma I listened until my ears were numb and my head was heavy with the weight of all that meaning. Every ounce of intent you crammed into that 4x2 cassettehoping desperately it would transfer to me — trickled out the other side of me as I lay sleeping, curled up as tight as all the muscles that wouldn't soothe inside me. It trickled out my eyes and out my nose and I wiped it up and threw it all away so that I would never need to feel it again, so that I would never need to remember. It was all saved there, anyways.

I know what happened.

I listened and I left.

We went our separate ways and you stayed trapped inside that 4x2 and nobody ever heard from you again.
what's it to you?
who go