nom i just want you to be happy

i just want to be with you

we don't have to be poor

we can make a living

i'd do anything
unhinged it would be a good parttime job for me, the trouble being i have no experience. it's pretty much impossible to get a job around here with no experience. my brother once told me the trick is to learn how to not burn the milk.

but i wouldn't mind making some singles in one of the slower, quieter coffee shops around town while devouring books, magazines or scrawling my heart onto napkins. i always become anxious when the tide of students overlaps with the going and the coming. how many this school year? can i break my magic number and finally start to get a little ahead? i hate budgeting myself. and i also hate working.....

jobs that are not really jobs; where does one find one of those?
what's it to you?
who go