raze she was barely inside the door when she turned her smile on me and asked, "how are you?"

i told her i was good. then i stopped myself.

"no. i'm not good. the truth is i'm not doing very well at all. i don't know why i always say i'm okay when i'm not."

she got this strange look on her face. kind of like she'd just been told something in another language, and she didn't want to be rude, so she was going to pretend she understood it, but she didn't, and at the same time, she was pretty sure it was something offensive and she didn't really want to know the translation.

"i'm always good," she said.

i wanted to ask how it was possible that she'd never been angry or sad or broken a day in her life. but it wasn't the time or the place. so i let the moment pass.

it was the last time we ever saw each other.
epitome of incomprehensibility (This is amazing - layers of meaning packed in a micro-story, a clever and relatable (to me) description of mind-wandering, plus the meaning twist on a simple synonym mistake (I wrote this phrase instead of starting_with_three_words a couple of days ago (but why so many brackets (anyway))) 231204
raze (i blame you for the unexpected writing prompt shaking that memory loose! that's become one of my favourite things to do: stumbling onto a link that isn't a link and thinking, "how can i make this a thing?") 231205
what's it to you?
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