raze the fly is on the floor, green in its back, sitting there, begging the brain to ponder how rare it is to see a thing like that sitting still like this.

nudge it with a toe and it slides.

"you picked this spot to die? that's different."

it's a blues song that hasn't been written yet:

when it's my time to go,
find me a hardwood floor
that hasn't been vacuumed in weeks.
unhinged (i have one way conversations with bugs all the time; i kept a pet spider in my bedroom in milwaukee for months. it ended up weaving my stray shedded hairs into it's web) 160729
nr "you picked this spot to die" sounds like a cool album title. or cat power or regina spektor lyric or something. 160730
raze now i kind of want to hear chan marshall and regina spektor sing a duetthough that would probably cause my brain to explode from too much musical goodness at once. 160731
what's it to you?
who go