leni take me up
-to the top floor
-on my offer

let's dance all day
in one of those places
where it's always dark
so it seems like night time
except where the light
shines weirdly through
the cracks

take me down
-to the basement
-like a criminal
-to your level

in the drips of drains and the
smell of mould
we lie
-to each other
-to everyone around

that we are only sleeping
that this isn't a dream
raze had a dream
of a song
that had this name
eighteen years ago
the notes were gone by the time i woke up
but the feeling remained
i tried my best to grab it
i don't think i ever nailed it
but i can still hear that snare drum
dream drum
going thunk
soft and deep and heavy
kerry last night i forgot to push the elevator button and we stood a while before realizing it, and we argued about who should have been the one to do it, but we were laughing. inside the walls were patterned with palm trees and with your linen shirt you could have been in miami. But not me, a black ink blot among the fronds. In one corner a girl wearing a too-tight dress was climbing a guy in a polo shirt. Right when it was our stop he reached around and squeezed her ass. Really! I was laughing, and you told me toshhh get a hold of yourself!” 210801
what's it to you?
who go