endless desire out to lover's point, a few houses down to the sea, we sat around with hundreds of others to view the fireworks shot from the pier. in the afternoon we share our picnic, climb the rocks, and race the ocean's tide on the sand. it feels so cold for a july day, our breath's thick in front of our faces. the younger ones put socks on their hands to keep them warm. sunset, twilight, darkness. soon the show was to begin. first we heard blasts, then colours light up the night sky, but the fireworks hid behind the fog that was slowly drifting in. at times, the bottom of the sparkles were visible. and i must say that to see the clouds light up in reds and greens and whites and yellows and blues and purples was breathtaking. when the sparkles from the fireworks fell, it was as though rain was pouring from the sky. i wanted to dance in the beauty of this disappointment turned wonder.

why yes, that glass does look half full.
what's it to you?
who go