nr your eyes are heavy 
i can feel them pulsing, watering
wanting to close
you're feeling me
and trying to resist me
but i know what's best for you

i push and push and push 
you'll succumb to me
and resist facing what you know you can't
what the world won't let you

then i aim for the nose
press and press and press
you feel your nasal passage tingle and throb

i try to put some words in your mouth
like "ugh it hurts, i can't do anything else, what's even the point?"
and the like
but you're not saying them

you're still not saying them
and still
and even still
i can feel you fighting, resisting
with your overactive thoughts
and internet searches
and ways to heal yourself that will never work against me

why do you bother?

i can hear your thoughts, softly
and then louder, louder, louder
"why must we always be controlled by what's in our heads?"
what's it to you?
who go