cr0wl and we roll our eyes in unison. 080718
jane we exhale, and a butterfly somewhere flaps its wings. and then, well, you know how this story goes. 080718
past we exhale, letting our souls mingle, changing shades like the leaves. 080720
unhinged contrived
i have to remind myself on every exhale
' let_go '
and my breath is unsteady, ragged
with panic and stress
there is so much i need and want
and i feel very afraid
(moving always scares me)

and i miss the days
of his head resting on my belly
moving up and down
with every breath

hello world
i am tired
i would like some rest

and my breath is ragged, unsteady
with need and want
i would like the ball in my heart
to finally dissolve
for good
to really truly be gone
auburn I remember when it came time to say goodbye and we would exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

And sometimes I thought I'd never be able to breathe again.
past beautiful_silences 081010
what's it to you?
who go