epitome of incomprehensibility
Here is "Let It Be" translated not-quite-alphabetically from English to French, Belarusian, Catalan, Danish, Estonian, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, and back to English: When I am in trouble Mrs. Mary came to me Speak carefully "Just leave it" And in the dark He was standing in front of me Speak carefully "Just leave it" anything He whispered sensible words That's not a problem As people become miserable The life of the world is right The answer is available That's not a problem But they can be separated I still have a chance The answer is available That's not a problem anything Yes, the answer is there That's not a problem anything He whispered sensible words That's not a problem This fun_with_google_translate was inspired by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6CPFUhw1QY Malinda, its creator, sings songs she puts through Google Translate multiple times. The finicky persnicketor in me doesn't like the channel's new(ish) title, Translator Fails, since it implies a compendium funny mistake made rather than deliberate experimentation into the broken-telephone effect... but never mind. VERY SMALL QUIBBLE.