lostgirl i watch you stand alone
with your back turned on me
your world fading effortlessly
into a temporary memory.
i see you scribble 
words upon words,   
this chalkboard you face
is your canvas to paint.
as faces from dreams
make a peculiar new world
you illustrate a story 
that someone else told.  
i watch you struggle
through hours of 'create' 
and i laugh when you fall
until i notice your pain.
you swipe dusty hands 
over tear dampened cheeks 
and you run your wet fingers  
across your art.
in one angry motion 
you erase the strange story 
leaving only a relic,
of your heartfelt epic.
the words are bruised
the pictures now broken
and the 'what might have been'
becomes dust on the floor
but when you turn around
and you face what's real
you become me
and we walk away smiling.

what's it to you?
who go