crOwl are you nervous?

what part of it can you affect by your worry?

the outcome?

not even the aid.
it will come to you so you can later tell the story.
c r 0 w l we embraced.
tears mingled.

i felt your pain, how you winced.
the cut was deep, all the way to the bone.
you were bleeding all over the place.

but now, you're ok...right?

good. good.
cr0wl we made a book together. katie and i started it, then jonathon made the dragon because something had to get my king's hair on fire. and then by some organic, spontaneous, magical process it turned into a story. in the end, seven of us worked on it, all of us six years-old and under, except me, of_course. 090211
what's it to you?
who go