raze people always think they know this about you, for you, as if they could know all the inside parts of you better than you do. but they don't know. only you can know a thing like that. and if you think you don't know what's best for you, just give your heart a little vacation from your chest, treat it like a seashell, hold it up to your ear, and listen to the tiny sound it makes when it remembers where it came from. then you'll know. 150428
leif You're feeding me soul food, sir. 150428
nr what's_best? rip_out_the_last_page. 150428
nr uh... that was meant to go on today_yesterday. i blame blather crumbling around me and causing me to re-blather.

but it could potentially be good advice. if not ripping it out, reading it first.
what's it to you?
who go