Ouroboros clinging to the shred of light that i will be reborn out of this- more aware, stronger. and for now, pain and sorrow. but this_too_shall_pass 101231
Ouroboros i become awake, and i die, over and over each day cycling. uplifted to despair over and over. i hurl myself forward by being in the present, and i shrink from everything and long for death over and over. never ending cycle. and every day i die. and every day i am reborn. 121105
Ouroboros knees to my chest in the hot bath. heart aching. songs of death in my ears. not even tears. numb and shaking when touched. despair. food tasting like mud. 121107
Ouroboros heart pounding out a clay tomb, a cheap dirge 130106
PeeT storing the art of another moment in a glass jar.


a red tailed-hawk!
what's it to you?
who go