tender square (okay, so i wasn't that young when i wrote this, i was on the cusp of 30, but middle age is coming fast and this feels like eons ago; things_you_wrote_when_you_were_young)

the body is an instrument and
i’ve been listening to it
the harmonics of a heart,
my mellotron organs.
tune into the frequency,
the loneliness inside of me,
the air of expectation
that whispers in the dark.
tender_square surprise when we realized
our hushed souls murmured
stories that weren’t at all
like the ones we willed
ourselves to say aloud;
tales assuring happiness,
yarns of relative satisfaction.
it took both our hearts, attuned
for listening beyond words,
to revive the force once
dormant within us, no more.
what's it to you?
who go