Sonya The glow of lights from outside her bedroom window was the only comfort she had. She tried earlier to curl up in her bed and drift off to the land of slumber. She tried to give her mind a brief moment of peace to no avail.

In the darkness of night she often clasped the charm that hung from her silver necklace. It was a token of love from one who loved her but was away on a mission of sorts. She wondered if she would ever hand it back to him, her faithful suitor. She wondered if perhaps he had found himself a maiden who was more fair and chaste.

The loneliness crept under her sheets and embraced her body without hesitation. All the young damsel could do was lie there and hope that she would drift to sleep, leaving the loneliness behind. She hoped that in her dreams she would be with him always and that her fractured beauty was enough to captivate him for eternity.

At one heartfelt moment when they spoke in the past, he said that the loneliness would disappear once their union was made. The fleur de lys she clasped for comfort would soon return to his hands, and the loneliness would return to the sea of nothingness once they were together. This is her dream.
distorted tendencies The way I act the way I am. The way I treat everyone.
{An equation of loneliness.}

I feel sick inside. Pieces of me are disintegrated slowly.

{I've honestly lost all emotions. I can't feel what I once felt. It's all -monotonous-}
bespeckled What about loneliness because you can't love? 021010
Eric I get lonely sometimes 021016
fallen "all is loneliness" -Janis 021017
calliope21 an eternal plague on my heart. The epitomy of my existence. The times change but the situation remains the same. Such sweet comfort in its constancy yet rebel eternally. Loneliness is that friend you just can never get rid of. 041215
PeeT I never really understood the word ‘loneliness’. As far as I was concerned, I was in an orgy with the sky and the ocean, and with nature. 111215
no reason i guess when nature speaks back to you, you don't have to worry 111215
no reason [that was meant sincerely] 111215
flux i'm learning it's not just a feeling. or at least, not something one is always consciously aware of.

working too much makes the ground fertile for the daemon of dissociation.
nr support just needs to come from fucking SOMEwhere. even my own parents get frustrated with me easily a lot lately, so there's not as much support there. my dad got legit mad at me for debating with him about how locals pronounce our city. like, wtf. we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, so they tend to take out their stresses on me more than on my siblings.

having people fight and leave and dismiss me as unimportant or difficult makes it harder and harder for me not to believe those things about myself.
unhinged 'but loneliness isn't necessarily tied to whether you have a partner or a best friend or an aspirationally active social life in which you're laughing all the time. it's a variance that rests in the space between the relationships you have and the relationships you want.

loneliness lives in the gap.' - kristen radtke (seek you p. 71)
raze time has bent last year's truth into a lie. 230909
what's it to you?
who go