mon uow my grandma made me punkin

my dad called me pumkin)

because of my teeth falling out,)
i liked showing off my latest)
empty space and fallen out tooth)

punkin had orange hair, it's mostly
fallen out now, torn out, washed out

she didn't have much to start with,
just a line of orange yarnhair

her orange hair
made me think of pumkins,
and i was called pumkin so i)
thought to call her pumkin too)

but i couldn't say pumkin right
because of my teeth,) it became punkin

and i thought 'punk' was cool anyway

my grandma surprised me with punkin

i knew she was making dolls, but i
didn't know she was making me one

i think i might've suspected though
and so i was really happy when i got her

she showed me
how she was made
out of a pillowcase

i still have punkin

somewhere along the way
her face got graffitied
with a blue bic pen

but she's still punkin
what's it to you?
who go