raze if you are liking the books, this is a place worth visiting:

you can create an online database of everything you've ever read, and everything you might want to read. i haven't taken advantage of the social networking aspect, and i'm not sure i want to, but i've found out about some great books i might not have heard of otherwise. reading the reviews other users have posted can be fun, too.
no reason i finally got an account, and it's pretty fun. you can rate books with star ratings, and goodreads recommends books for you based on your tastes (sometimes their recommendations are completely off base, but i suppose it takes practice, even for a computer). and you can add friends and see their book ratings too. 140303
no reason oops, i didn't see this was already a page. i guess i recycled some info. ish. 140303
raze the unintentional partial recycling of info is the very best form of recycling there is, says me several years after the fact.

also, this website is dangerous. i've bought (and read) so many books this year it's getting a little silly, and most of them are things i never would have known about if not for letting myself fall down the goodreads rabbit hole. but as the great meredith brooks once sang, you know i wouldn't have it any other way.
raze actually, that's not quite what she sang. i kind of twisted it to suit my own purposes. eh. close enough. 210425
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