raze okay, you just made me laugh with farter, gave me a holy_shit moment with to_shut_him_up, and stopped me in my tracks with the_last_time_i_drank.

all in the space of a single afternoon.

if that kind of range isn't deserving of you having your own blathe, i don't know what is.

as the esteemed birdmad once said, "if i had a hat, i would tip it."
tender square wow.

i don’t know what to say except thank you!
unhinged hi

tender square hi!!

*waves frantically like forest gump*
raze what you wrote on "fired" might have just got me to start clapping. at 10:39 at night. in a house that was otherwise sleeping and quiet. 210905
raze this is the goofiest thing ever, but i'll tell you anyway:

i'm hoping to have a dream in which you open a bakery selling only date squares and other square-shaped items, and you name the bakery "tender squares". because i think that would be glorious.

it hasn't happened yet, but i've planted the seed.
tender square i love this image so much; it's only 9:30 am but your post already takes the top spot for "what_made_you_smile_today."

i'll see your image and raise you one: i envision myself running around the bakery shouting "can you smell what the square is cooking?!"
epitome of incomprehensibility I don't know why, but this made me laugh hysterically. Not enough sleep, too much pecan pie.

Or that you're a great writer who can evoke a range of emotions with a few words, as raze said above.

My best guess is both! and I will eat whatever you are baking, unless I'm on a random asceticism kick.

...Oh yes, I checked the mailbox and Mayflies isn't there yet. Unless it's secretly tucked inside the Canadian Wildlife Federation magazine.

(Did you know we call mayflies shadflies around here? It's very weird. Maybe because they shed their skin, and "shed" turned to "shad" somehow. Maybe someone's grammar has that as the irregular past tense.)
raze you want to talk about emotional nuance . . . reading "grandfathers" and what you added to "foundation" and "the_bicycle" today, it struck me that even when you aren't writing poems you always find the poetry in everything you see. 211010
raze hey, you have an underscore today! 211011
tender_square i do! i'm trying to get away from my email address being on here. you post it once and it never goes away—damn you blather.

thank you for your comments here yesterday; it's the best compliment i've ever received about my writing now that i'm breaking away from my poetry silo.


e_o_i: i had no idea about the shadflies, the origin of the word is so interesting, thank you for telling me about it. i hope the book arrives for you soon—i'm enjoying yours so much and will finish it before the end of the week!
raze your poetry is incredible. just so you know. even the tiniest poems have big beautiful beating hearts that make these red walls shake, and we're all lucky enough to be here to feel the pulse. 211105
raze for the rest of my life, whenever someone asks me where i live or where i was born, i think i'm going to have to tell them, "windsor, home of the penis bushes." 211220
past i am really enjoying the current set of vignettes tender_square. to a certain extent it feels like a definition of an_embarassment_of_riches slowly unfolding over the trip and (what seem to me) to be rather bizarre experiences. 220509
kerry echoing what past said! i love this narrative that's unfolding. so vivid and, honestly, fascinating to see "how the other half lives," if you don't mind that description. 220509
tender_square thank you so so so much, past and kerry. i was hoping the thread would capture both the nuance and inner conflict of the visit and i'm excited that those aspects are coming through. 220510
raze (welcome home.) 220519
tender_square (two weeks through twelve states with overnights in five--a trip that has been both whirlwind and laggard. i have missed being with my red family.) 220519
raze i've been looking forward to saying this for a while now:

happy one-year blatherversary!

(here's to celebrating a hundred more.)
tender_square (awwww thanks so much raze! looking forward to many more milestones here beside you and the red_family.) 220805
raze you just posted your one thousandth blathe. PLEASE ACCEPT THESE CELEBRATORY BUNNIES.

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tender_square i'm still having trouble processing this news. i never could've gotten to this milestone without you. thanks, raze. 220914
raze sending you all my floof and good thoughts to help ruby_tuesday pull through. 230215
raze happy belated two-year blatherversary.

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

(those are supposed to be flowers.)
tender_square thank you for the deluge of love, raze. 230807
what's it to you?
who go