tilt to anyone out there, please, think of me.
send me motivation, inclination, energy.
i will send it back once I'm done with it.
birdmad gladly, o restless soul.

i'll offer you no hollow platitudes, only my sincerest empathy ('cause i've been there many times)
green tshirt The rain has stopped today, which is both a relief and a disappointment. There is a cool afternoon breeze coming straight off the pacific and in my window.

The two poinsettia cuttings I planted last week have decided that they might not die after all. The change of heart no doubt a result of the abundant rain.

I guess this is the kind of weather I will miss when I move overseas. Not hot or muggy like the last few weeks, but still warm enough for a singlet top.

Looking at the ocean reminds me of the kayaker they stopped searching for yesterday. I wonder how long he floated out in the sea, hoping for rescue, slowly realising that the sea had won again.

There was a 'environmental expo' in the Martin Place today, with stalls about green energy, ink cartridge recycling, bicycling to work and one about community nurseries, which stock 'indigenous plants'. Indigenous plants are good because it means they can survive on rainwater alone and won't make me breach water restrictions when they look pathetic and start to wither. I guess we will know the weather really is changing when the indigenous plants start to die.

I just washed the dog. I put water, shampoo and myself in the paddle pool, to try and make it more fun, but he still hated it. This one is cute, but I still love and miss my puppy more than i can say. There was a card on postsecret this week about losing a dog. Perhaps i sent it in my sleep.

We're going to the melbourne international comedy festival in April, and all the tickets have been arriving in the mail over the last couple of days. I think it's going to be fun. Our last aussie hurrah and who-ha.

Yesterday, everything felt like too much. There's a thesis to write, scholarships and visas to apply for, money to save up. But maybe things will be ok.
kyla a_pnea 070213
what's it to you?
who go