epitome of incomprehensibility This is from an email I wrote my creative writing teacher.

I'm sure I wrote about this stuff on blather red before, but here is the 2012 incident TOLD CONCISELY FOR ONCE.

(The background is that I used to hit my parents and brother for years, so that's part of what brought out violent impulses in me at age 23. I would also go on to hit a Presbyterian minister three years later - not as badly, but still unfairly.)


What happened in my Master's program was that, during a stupid argument at a pub after invigilating an exam, I hit a fellow student/TA (and friend) in the face with a wineglass, which broke. It cut her nose enough for it to bleed. Thankfully it didn't cause a worse injury, for her sake but also for selfish reasons - I didn't want to face criminal charges. She could've charged me with assault anyway, but didn't. Of course she was never willing to talk to me again and the rest of my MA cohort (except for the one guy who didn't know about it) avoided me. I had recurring panic attacks for months and took an extra term to finish my degree.

Mostly, I've moved on - I had counseling for anger and anxiety, and my self-control is much better (okay, I still get into ill-advised arguments with my boss). Also, life lesson: don't drink twice the amount of alcohol you usually do on the same day you double your dose of a stimulant-based med.


So yeah, that can be told in two paragraphs. And I don't want to hit anybody ever again.
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