raze you were not a terribly good year. matter of fact, you made 2007 look like a beautiful naked woman waiting for me to come to bed. you weren't as abysmal as the year that came before you, to be sure, but you were a frustrating swamp to try and wade through. i couldn't count the times i started to make some progress, only to have you pull me back down to the bottom again.

well, you're gone now. you keep getting smaller in the rear_view_mirror. i'm getting to know your successor. d'you know we never talk about you at all?
epitome of incomprehensibility After the promise of 2011, this one for me was absolute shit. Absolute: not a math joke this time. I'm trying to convey a metaphorical meaning of shit that refers to other metaphorical meanings, not to literal shit, because that's just poop and you can cover your nose. Then again, it was memorable. 2013 was disappointing. 2014, I don't know what this is. It's almost over and I don't know yet if I've done anything worthwhile. 141202
what's it to you?
who go